Alternate title: In which Dawn is inspired to share long-forgotten poetry and not-so-forgotten ambition
I just ventured onto a website that was spectacularly done. Fucking brilliant. No, I’m not providing the link (yet), but I was transfixed by the complexity and the beauty of the presentation. It’s rare that I find something that’s truly edgy and classic all at the same time.
Makes me wonder about the incredible things I’m capable of doing but have never done. Instead, I toil away in 9-to-5 jobs where I am chastised for my unconventionality and insights but rewarded for being submissive and for not breaking too many rules.
I realized a few days ago that I haven’t written a poem in years. And I just pinpointed why — I applied for a graduate master’s program in poetry, and I was rejected. I had sent 30 full pages of poems for review, and even though I know the program was fiercely competitive, it kind of rocked the passion out of my soul for writing in verse. Sure, I wrote some abysmally dark stories, but every last one of them held a piece of me, so it wasn’t necessarily that I was concerned that no one liked the poetry (hell, even I don’t like a lot of it — it’s just what flowed that day). It was that I didn’t earn the chance to grow with supposed experts, who could have guided me closer to a dream I once possessed.
Reminds me of the times my diaries were discovered by various roommates — I would sooner skywrite than put my thoughts in blue ink for weeks and even months afterward. I wonder where all of those words and dreams went … did they float into a parallel universe, or are they still within me somewhere?
And will they ever flow from within me again?
I also realized recently that I am a waste of an IQ. No numbers, please, but suffice it to say that I spent my education and much of my working life just learning what to do to please people. I can memorize entire encyclopedia sets (and I have) and regurgitate them on exams. I can learn within hours how an organization operates and use that information to my advantage.
On the downside, I typically use my powers for evil. I tend to grasp concepts much more quickly than most of my peers, so when they are struggling to catch up with me, I’m letting my imagination (and sometimes my actions) wander free, oftentimes saying and doing things that equal throwing an M-80 in a kiddie pool. And, luckily, I am enough of a quick talker to avoid either being caught or being too severely reprimanded for causing an explosion of reactive thoughts.
I guess I feel like I do about 20 times the amount of processing that a normal brain can handle. Sometimes, I look around my workplace, my apartment complex, any given retail or service establishment, and I wonder if there are many other people like me out there who are just whiling away their time. It’s not even that most of us are waiting for something wonderful to happen to change our lives, but rather, we’re just fading into an already homogenized world. The oddballs stand out — those of us who have had our hands smacked and our mouths duct-taped for questioning the establishment have a lot of Pavlovian issues to overcome. We learn to proceed with caution. Unfortunately, that leads many of us to stop advancing entirely — we learn how to function within lowered expectations.
I’ll say it loud and clear — I have an anxiety disorder. I never used to — I never used to be afraid of anything. And, on some level, I’m still pretty fearless … but it’s usually when the mood strikes. I’m noticing, of late, that I hold my breath and tense my body. My knuckles are usually white from the death grip I have on the steering wheel. My eyes twitch and water. My head feels like it’s going to implode most of the time.
I can attribute my the onset of my nervous condition to June 30, 2001 — the last day I did something truly defiant. It was the day I realized that I’d gotten caught — that I wasn’t such a blessed faerie child after all. I hurt for a long time afterward, and even now, the ripple effects of that day still bite me in the ass at the most random moments. And, as I understand it, I’ll never live it down. Ever.
Before I go off on one of my usual tangents, suffice it to say that a lot of dreams have died one by one during the past decade … and this is supposed to be the best decade of my life! And on a variety of levels, life is grand. But on the other hand, I have this ridiculous yearning inside of me — so many unrequited passions. I love to create — I love to weave words and thoughts and images together. I always meant to pick up a paintbrush and meld poetry with imagery. I used to be brilliant at calligraphy — these days, I never even pick up an ink pen, in favor of typing instead — I barely even remember that art form now.
The fine arts have a strong undercurrent in my family. My grandfather was a songwriter and guitarist and vocalist. He also wrote a poem for a friend of mine who was in despair. My grandmother made the most amazing porcelain sculptures, and her handwriting/calligraphy was superb. Mom is an artistic genius — she gets an idea in her head, buys the supplies and goes to town (someday, I’ll have to tell you about her Pop-Up Pussy cards). She never makes a sketch — she just lets her intuition guide her. Fucking brilliant family. (This is my mom’s side — I’m pretty sure, judging from the two times I met the Sperm Donor, the rest of his family is as much of a bumbling twit as he.)
Me — all I ever needed was a pen and paper. I painted my armoire last year in black and silver and stars — it was the most creative thing I’ve done since tie my straw wrappers into bows at every restaurant I enter (and even that was something I noticed my mom doing absentmindedly). But there are so many colors and shapes and lightning bolts flashing through my head (and this is without drugs. LOL). I feel like right now, everything is just scattered about, waiting for me to go in and clean some house.
Perhaps it is the chaos in my existence that is reflecting the perfect pandemonium in my head.
I just want to take a machete and smash everything around me — not just the possessions, but the edicts and mandates and everything else that contributes to the status quo — and sort it all out and put it back together in a way that is aesthetically pleasing for me. And, of course, I reserve the right to throw everything off the island that causes me any sort of rise in blood pressure.
At any rate, I will leave you with two poems, and you be the judge whether I need to find the inspiration to start writing again or if I should pack it in and pursue other avenues of expression:
Color You Mine
Chaotic canvases of purples, sables and blues
Senseless and irrelevant without the theme of you.
Decades trapped in grainy images and empty rooms
As I longed for pink shades of love and lilacs in bloom.
Twenty-six years of patterns I could never follow
Fruitlessly breathing vermilion into hearts gray and hollow
Spending neverending moonless nights coloring outside of the lines
Awaiting the precious moment that I could color you mine.
I’ll bathe you in sunshine’s ethereal golden hues
Wrap you in endless skies of softest blues
Tuck you away safely in satiny crimson sheets
Swaddle you in white terry against summer’s blazing heat.
I’ll immerse you in lavender and other scents of love
Paint rainbows in the sky; draw a heaven up above
Embrace you with white-capped waves of clear aquamarine
Before a backdrop of vibrant wildflowers in fields of emerald green.
I want to paint your life in any shade but black
I want to give you brilliance; give you every shade you lack
Because I know your shadows are as grim and achromatic as mine
But our world will be prismatic if you’d just let me color you mine.
My hand was tingling
For how long, I didn’t know
Until I looked over at you
And realized
That I didn’t mind
That you were grasping it.
Did I reach for you?
Or you for me?
Or have we been reaching out
For each other
All along?
It was just something that happened
So easily, so naturally.
And I felt a moment of fear
That you would let it go
And for no particular reason
Just like you’d captured it.
I don’t know what has happened
To each of us
Or what is happening
Between us,
But I hope we don’t stop it
With the little games
That potential lovers
Tend to play
To test each other
Or test themselves
For whatever reason.
Just keep holding my hand
Like you are now
For however long it takes
Until we’re sure
That this is more than transitory …
That this can be forever
Because from the tingling in my fingertips
Right now,
I want it to be.”
— “Color You Mine” (c) 2000 and “Transience” (c) 1999 by Samantha Ashley. All rights reserved. I will personally kick your ass for reproducing these works without permission and/or attribution. —