No one mourns the wicked

March 28th, 2025, 6:08 AM by Goddess

I can’t believe Momma never got to see “Wicked” or S3 of “The White Lotus.”

I wish she could have seen Wicked (Broadway’s Version). Ariana is hard to watch.

I still can’t believe I saw it at the Gershwin.

I took my cousin to Taylor Swift and she took me to Broadway.

Our mothers, who grew up in podunk Pittsburgh and didn’t have our sense of adventure, would have been so proud.

As for White Lotus, someone always dies in the show. I’ve seen enough that I am trying to guess who it will be.

The death is always random and campy. Mike White always kills off someone I love. And also someone who isn’t going to be mourned because they have no attachments. Like, all the rich people get on the plane at the end of the week and don’t look back.

I love Rick because it’s Walton Goggins. And Chelsea because she’s the smartest ditz ever. But she would be missed.

Mom would know the answer. We’d be five minutes into the season and she’d call it.

And not just WL — any show or movie, she’d blurt out the ending within five minutes.

She always apologized. But I appreciated it. I could pay more attention to details rather than trying to figure out what’s a red herring vs. what’s going to be integral to the conclusion.

I got to thinking about how no one mourns the wicked and no one misses the nice people who die at the WL.

Which is why I thought of Mom.

Beyond my own network, no one really knows she’s gone. Or knew she existed. Or cared, I guess, thinking of her doctors.

Mike White didn’t kill her off, but they sure did.

It really is the most sympathetic character who meets the worst fate.

I am left to assume that anyone who hasn’t passed is a terrible human in their own way or, if they vote maga, in every way.

Heck, that even reminds me that I don’t even want the maga character to die. She’s actually pretty funny. Just needs to divorce her republican husband, as so many do.

OTOH the whole S3 is about things happening in threes. I doubt it’s the three blondes or the three Ratliffe kids or Valentin and his two goon friends. Hmm.

I miss sussing this out on Twitter. But fuck Elon. Speaking of someone who wouldn’t be missed.

‘There is no way I am kissing a frog and eating a bug on the same day’

March 26th, 2025, 8:26 PM by Goddess

I’ve been waiting to write this. Needed someone to sign a piece of paper who, honestly, I was afraid wouldn’t sign that paper.

The life of a hiring manager.

And firing.

I had a change that was overdue to be made. And I didn’t want to do it before the holidays.

Tried every which way to signal that there is time to SOGOTP and here is how you can do that.

Anyway I found myself in the position of kicking out the pot from under them.

When I’m talking to myself, as who else is here to listen to this shit anymore, I blame an old HR person for this situation.

HR had given me a list of about 30 questions to ask. HR was not satisfied that I knew how to hire, despite some 30 years of experience of hiring and being hired. This interviewee tolerated a two and a half hour interview of nonsense questions. So I figured, what the hell.

Well, I discovered what the hell.

Anyway, I have gotten to the point of being escorted out of so many companies that my compassion level is as fluid as my sexuality. Like, just not into you, thanks for playing.

I did hear later, though, that I wasn’t the only one who had made that sort of decision in the first quarter.

Only one separation made me sad. I heard it today. Like noooo not him, really?!

The other separations I noticed (because I went looking for them in Teams) honestly brought me a mix of joy and wonder.

The wonder was because I had no idea how they got in the door in the first place.

If I am not the hiring manager, I am the welcome wagon.

As in, new hires are sent to my door because I run the biggest cost center AND I am damn enthusiastic about it.

Like if you want the history of the company and the industry, along with who has her finger over the publish button, come to your new friend Goddess.

I’ve already forgotten most of the people I looked up. I only remembered them from their new hire interviews on my calendar.

But there was one, I want to say out of Cleveland, who annoyed the ever living fuck out of me for an hour.

I don’t even remember why I hated him. I just did. Like, I even asked him what on earth brought him here and he said a recruiter found him.

Luckily we must have fired that recruiter because the candidates in my inbox right now are superb.

Anyway, that’s really what prompted me to write today. I have spent a lot of hours talking with new people, being their new mentor, answering questions (which I volunteered to do) outside of the meet-and-greet.

To have wasted so many of those hours on people who don’t last really pisses me off.

Nobody’s fault. But I just think of this guy who was SO annoying … and honestly I thought, this one isn’t going to last here. Why are you people torturing me with this awful conversation.

And we know I can talk to a damn pet rock for an hour and be just fine.

Dude barely made it to his 60-day review. Which I could have told anyone who asked.

I probably could have said that about my hire too. There was another candidate I liked better, but the then-HR person steered me toward the one who answered the 30 questions.

I ended up hiring the other one part-time. And promoted him a few months later.

He remains one of my best hires in my career.

Other departments don’t get my hiring decisions. They don’t have to. But no one can argue that I have highly productive, highly imaginative and highly LOYAL people.

I work every day to get (and keep) the best out of them.

Of course, that’s why when I say one isn’t working out, they say, we will not stand in your way.

I could probably stand to do more of that. It’s just finding rock stars in the rock pile is harder than it looks.

It’s like dating. My god, I am happier alone and I am happier NOT hearing from the dregs of LinkedIn society. But there we are then.

Speaking of, I need to hop to kissing some potential corporate frogs STAT to keep my own job.

We all saw what happened to Tiana. She kissed a frog and became one.

Really not in a rush to do the same.

Sleeping Single in a Double Bed

March 26th, 2025, 4:11 PM by Goddess

At the risk of setting off one of my favorite wackos, it’s weird being 30-ish and living alone for the first time in 18 years.

After nine months without Momma and 14 without Cocoa, I still overbuy groceries and cat food.

I still marvel that I am grown up enough to have a 2/2 for just me.

And I cannot fathom that I finally set up my lanai the way mom wanted me to five years ago.

Forget “Sleeping Single in a Double Bed.” How do I have six places to sit on my balcony … for just me?!

Anyway. Hope you love it, Momma. Miss you bunches.

You missed Belly’s fifth Gotcha Day.

And I am sure you aren’t happy at how much of our stuff has gone down the trash chute. Bye!

Though I think you’d be proud that I cook again. Which I wish I had done for you.

(No photos. Momma said don’t post till it’s pretty. And not even then.)

Now this is pretty.

Sadly I thought I would drop weight on my own. That’s a negative.

Faced with watching your invincibility fade into mortality, I have embraced the binge eater in me. Popcorn and tequila, it turns out, are my kryptonite. Lavender too.

That and making reservations on the weekends.

One awesome meal a week is mandatory. Bacon cinnamon rolls on deck for Sunday. With a lavender cocktail. Maybe more bacon. Not gonna go out malnourished like you did.

Magic misses Grammy too. I think you “deek” him a lot. I say Grammy and he looks for you.

I made a doc appointment for myself on Cokie’s gotcha day. Hope this isn’t the fifth hospital system to disappoint us.

Also hope this isn’t another thing — like losing your only living parent — that I wish I had your advice about.

The kids listen but they don’t give advice for shit.

Anyway. I heard the afterlife can be quite busy if you want it to be.

Maybe you’re working at another funeral home or a “SunDrug.” And maybe Montrose Dodge closed here and reopened there. I keep your biz card on my ofrenda and it makes me laugh instead of crying now.

Kelly sends her love. She is so bummed she didn’t get to meet you and she cherishes that Christmas ornament you sent her.

She skipped town but we will hang out in April, May and probably more this year. Brooklyn then somewhere for Christmas, we hope.

Sad to be moving on without you. But you know I have you on my table, in my purse and in my heart.

Learning how to function again

March 23rd, 2025, 9:47 AM by Goddess

Got to talking to a friend who lost his mom right after I did.

He’s hurting. I mean, hurting. Hurt. Ing.

And I had the disturbing revelation that I’ve somehow become OK.

Not just in comparison. But, actually learning how to function again.

I had done a lot of pre-grieving, which I don’t think helped a lot. But maybe it did.

I mean, Momma was sick for a long time. Not just since her diagnosis date (four years ago this May).

Disease grows for a long time. I remember someone saying that the cancer on X date would have looked almost exactly the same as on X date a year earlier.

Yes it accelerated fast AF in the final year. But it stands to reason that it was there a good five or 10 years, undiagnosed.

Anyway, I look back at our photos, the few I have.

She looked sick for a long time.

This is why I repeatedly called out someone else for languishing in bed. My mom was cooking and cleaning and decorating and being nice.

And to see someone able to do these things but actively choosing not to, yet still judging me, I begged Sky Daddy for better for my mom.

Momma was always beautiful and vibrant in real life. But photos don’t really lie. This was a woman who was struggling to smile and keep up with her then-healthy daughter.

Over the past month, I’ve noticed the color coming back into my own face.

TBH I really thought losing her would kill me. Not before she died, but certainly after.

I really thought oh shit, I am not going to survive this. More times than I could count.

Now, I’m not saying nine months is enough time to grieve your life partner. Which for all intents and purposes, she was. You don’t live with someone for nearly 18 years and think otherwise.

After all, I was in line yesterday with a lady who said a piece of candy in my hand made her think of her own mom, who passed in 2016.

The lady said they used to go to the cafe at Nordstrom every week and she’d get one.

I remembered going to the Nordstrom cafe every week with someone. Wasn’t mom but definitely a relationship I mourned for a while.

Now it’s like it never even happened, except I grew a metaphorical boil on my metaphorical butt that will no doubt follow me around for life.

Damn I miss Nordstrom’s coffee.

In any event, I told the lady I just lost my mom too and have similar fond memories.

She said no one will ever love you like your mom, huh? I could see the tears in her eyes as the water sprang to mine.

I shook my head. We wished each other well as we got called to different cash registers.

So, yeah, there’s no getting over your momma.

That was such a good exchange for me. I was feeling guilty that I wasn’t sad enough.

I am still plenty sad. I am also getting moments of joy and connection, which I’d thought were lost with her.

I know momma wouldn’t want me to mourn forever. But I think she’d definitely want me to mourn for a while. And for as good a momma as she was, she definitely deserves that.

Brooklyn Beetlejuice

March 20th, 2025, 2:10 PM by Goddess

Current status


March 16th, 2025, 8:25 AM by Goddess

Not to be confused with Bella, my orange cat.

I went to DaDa for the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Delray yesterday.

They aren’t normally open on Saturday. So it was a treat to hear they Bruce was going to be grilling corned beef brisket and bangers outside for a few hours till they did their regular open.

I arrived and said hi to Carlos. He said, “Dawn!” and shook my hand.

I might go there A BIT.

He said pick a seat and of course I went under the banyan tree where I normally sit with my friends. “Dawn’s table!” he said.

Carlos said it’s not the normal menu; just the Irish stuff till five. I said you know I’ve had everything on your menu 20 times over. Excited to see what Bruce is up to today.

I didn’t see any of the usual servers. Tara came over and introduced herself. She is from outside the SubCulture Group, asked by her manager to lend Carlos a hand.

Not just a hand — she was the lone server for the whole restaurant.

Luckily half the outside was taken up by the Gypsy Strings Revival. Who came over to ask if I’d get a few pics of them since they’ve never had the whole band all together at once.

It was a big band. Also, one of the gents had lost his wife recently. So, this was their first time being back together as a whole.

We all got to talking about my green and gold nails. I also pointed out the purple for Mardi Gras, as I’d just spent some time in NOLA and I wanted to make sure I had nails that were also fitting for Paddy’s Day.


So at some point, they dedicated a song to the girl who just came back from Mardi Gras. Which was so sweet.

And as I was the only person who was sitting alone, when the band said they were dedicating a song to Belle, I perked up. Yes because of my cat.

The singer said someone here just lost a spouse and this is their first outing alone.

I cried. I fucking cried.

Out of nowhere, one of the men at the next table ran up and hugged me. I said thank you.

It hit me that they thought I was WIDOWED. Because I was alone.

Like no I just randomly cry all the time. But I didn’t say that.

Figured just shut my trap and keep drinking.

We did all get to talking across the table, but not about that.

Later his wife ran over and hugged me. A few times. Our Guinness espresso martinis had kicked in.

She was so so so sweet. She said, “It must be so hard going through life without your best friend.”

Now THAT I could relate to.

Momma and I would always order corned beef from Flanigan’s. But DaDa is my home (obviously) and that’s where I spent all my birthdays and, most recently, Thanksgiving. Of course I was going to go for Paddy’s.

When they all left, she hugged me one more time and said I love that you are getting out of the house. And I hope you meet a man with a BIG OLD DONG.

I said I will take a BIG OLD WALLET.

And of course, we agreed, hey, let’s hope for both!

Bruce brought out my food and we had a lovely chat.

Tara said Bruce doesn’t normally serve the tables. We were all chatting about how awesome you are and wanted to meet you.

As Kenny Chesney and many others have sang, “I Love This Bar.”

Tara took a couple breaks with me, under the banyan tree. Turns out we’re the same age and live on the same street.

Her brother’s girlfriend is a Dawn and, of course, I have my Tara from New York.

We exchanged numbers and she said she was going to order my favorite drink, the Divine Gesture, when she got off at 5.

In fact, while I liked my Guinness espresso martini and the Tito’s green Mary (which I wish I’d ordered in the opposite order.

The Mary was spicy when I was looking for sweet. But still awesome), I wasn’t sure what to do for my third drink.

Tara said hey I talked to the bartender and he said he’ll make you anything off the regular menu.

Divine Gesture, ahoy!

I hugged my new friend Tara on my way out, tipped well and stumbled down to the beach.

Other than the fools in “Drink Up, Fuckers” FOTUS shirts and the other Nazis in “Gulf of America ’25” hats, it was a fantastic day.

One of the best I’ve had not just in the past sad nine months, but maybe in the past nine years.

Deleted an email from Brooklyn Beetlejuice unread to end the day.

Sorry to say the blood moon eclipse shook that one out.

Also Kelly and I had just talked about him on Friday night, so of course his dick pointed south.

Anyway. I also told her about the (redacted) Senior Vice President I met at (redacted) last weekend.

Who looked me up (I didn’t give him my number; he put together a couple conversational clues) and wants to see me again.

So, no, BB, why would I want to talk to you when there are people who actually ask me questions and want to hear what I have to say, instead of the other way around?

Anyway, Slainte to all who don’t wear USA shit to a St. Patrick’s Day parade.

And love to Belle, who’s making the journey my Momma just made.

I haven’t felt Momma around me for a couple weeks. Maybe she’s found some peace. Maybe she’s reincarnated. Maybe she’s giving me some space to figure this all out.

And maybe, just maybe, she and Belle were doing a river dance on Dada’s cobblestones, unseen but always loved.

Cheers to 4 precious years

March 9th, 2025, 7:49 AM by Goddess

I’m a compulsive note-taker. So my house is littered with notepads and scraps of paper with stuff I figure I’ll need eventually.

I’m also a compulsive digital note-taker.

I finally got around to deleting notes I’d taken from my old job and from Cocoa’s doctors.

Found it interesting that, shortly after I got her in 2020, they said she had thyroid issues and kidney disease.

The docs hopped on the thyroid stuff. Though the same docs denied me a refill unless I brought her in (when corona was resurgent). And I said fuck you and your company.

The next vet I called gave me a prescription just for asking. They said bring the baby in when you can; we aren’t going to deny her something she needs.

But I forgot about all the kidney disease stuff till I saw it in black and white.

So my baby had that untreated the whole time.

I mean, the fact that I got four years with her is just crazy. If it was as bad as they said, the prognosis is really only about 35 days.

I remember telling Mom that I gave Cocoa an extra year thanks to the new vet. And Mom had said, you gave her four years. The entire four years she was yours.

Now, I get it. She was right. Maybe I loved that little girl back to life for as long as she could hold on to it.

I still regret taking on Bella and Magic, though. I figured if Cocoa was a baby and I’d have her forever, why not have three.

Now I look at these loafs — and I love them — but damn I was going to go away this weekend but I figured in the end, nah don’t leave these dopes.

I love them and will miss them when they are gone. But they are 5 and 4. And as I feel the quicksands of time are reeling me in faster than I’d like, I don’t want to miss another minute of living than I have to.

‘God loves you, but not enough to save you’

March 8th, 2025, 7:29 PM by Goddess

I’ve been obsessed with Ethel Cain’s “Preacher’s Daughter.” Obsessed.

She did a whole “Freezer Bride” tour that I never even heard of.

And I would never have heard of her if not for “Strangers” being in “It Ends With Us.”

I’ve been particularly haunted by “Televangelism.” It’s an instrumental track that ends very off key. I assume that’s Ethel dying and her soul going wherever it’s supposed to be.

“Televangelism” ends and “Sun-Bleached Flies” begins. And it’s such a good song on its own. It has some zingers like the line I picked for today’s subject line.

In context:

“God loves you, but not enough to save you
So, baby girl, good luck taking care of yourself.”

She’s obviously already dead at this point and reflecting on her life.

All the religion beaten into her by all the sun-bleached flies who prayed for miracles that never came.

They and their babies just sit on the windowsill “breathing in the poison of the paint” rather than escaping small-town life that revolves around church and angry men like her daddy and every man she ever dated.

She goes back in her head to a time when she was longing to leave Alabama with her first love Willoughby. How Nebraska was all they ever wanted.

“I’m still praying for that house in Nebraska
By the highway, out on the edge of town
Dancing with the windows open
I can’t let go when something’s broken
It’s all I know and it’s all I want now.”

Ethel’s life review, as I interpret it to be, feels a lot like I interpret mine will be.

“It’s all I know and it’s all I want now.”

She went on to meet more exciting (abusive) men. She met Logan and they stole and killed until he was captured. She met Isaiah, finally “a man who wasn’t angry,” yet he sold her into sex work (“Gibson Girl,” where he hurts her) and plied her with drugs and raped, beat, killed and ate her. (And potentially filmed it all.)

Willoughby doesn’t seem so boring now, eh.

I don’t think I wished away my life with Mom but maybe I did. Like I know “love’s out there, and I can’t leave it be” (from “Thoroughfare”) but I already had it.

Who’s going to keep me safe from an Isaiah? And will I be left wishing for my own version of Willoughby?

Ethel knows she’s been reduced to “a polaroid in evidence.” Which is one of the most haunting lyrics.

The most devastating lyric, I think, is from “Ptolemea”:

“There’s nothing you can do.
It’s already been done.”

That’s Isaiah or the god of the underworld or who the fuck knows, telling her not to fight. She’s been promised to him. Basically just die already and stop hiding.

I hope my mom’s passage was better than that. If there’s anyone who deserves to have a good afterlife, it’s her. Only FOTUS and his associates should go to Ptolemy.

This is clearly art. If it invokes a visceral, long-term impact, that’s art. I love the album, love the way it’s made me think, love that it can exist in FOTUS’ world where Ted Nugent counts as culture.

Consume it while thought is still legal.


March 7th, 2025, 8:52 PM by Goddess

One thing that’s changed since Mom left is that I don’t go to places she loved.

This is intentional. Nary a Hobby Lobby nor a Chick Fil A in my recent past or future.

I kind of forgot about Lent though.

We weren’t religious. But she really believed in having fish on Ash Wednesday and all the Fridays through Good Friday.

I had some delicious gumbo from Penelope on Ash Wednesday. Stuffed with andouille sausage. The red beans and rice had sausage too.

So meaty, Joel McHale.

It felt so strange, thinking about all that.

Last year, she wasn’t really eating around this time. Maybe she’d take two bites but then throw it up. But she definitely wanted me to run to Bud’s and get a seafood platter for us to split.

That was weird too. We always gave fish to the cats. Cocoa would eat three bowls and the others are like WTF is this shit. So basically it was me and a platter of fries and fried fish.

If you go to the right Bud’s, the fries are great.

In any event, I remember asking her why it was important to observe the no-meat rule.

She said she knew she was getting closer to the end. She didn’t feel like she had a lot of points in her favor if there were such a thing. So the least she could do is observe a basic tradition.

I didn’t have any meat today (Friday) but that was more of an “I only have salad left in the fridge” than a conscious choice. As I pick anything BUT salad all week.

By anything but salad, I also consumed an entire king cake in two days. Details. I mean, isn’t that like not eating meat?

Anyway, I hope I remember all these little things about Mom. And I hope I stop remembering all the times I questioned her about them.

Weakened / weekend

March 7th, 2025, 7:59 PM by Goddess

There are times when I think all the grief of the last 14 months has run its course.

Like maybe the well of tears is finite. Or if I just refuse to drink liquids, my tear ducts will cease their productivity.

Then I think of what my doctor cousin warns me about perimenopause. How there will be a time when I go a whole year without a period. And that year will turn into forever.

Well, I am still on my regular 28-ish-day cycle, so nope, no peri here.

But I do read about people who go the full year without a period. And then BAM, they get one and the clock starts anew.

I think that’s what my grief is going to be like. Somewhere between this 14-ish months without Cocoa and the 3-ish months before it’s a year without Momma, I’ll be OK-ish.

Then Father’s Day is going to hit and the tear duct levy will break.

I was just sitting here thinking how I can do anything this weekend.

I mean, I probably won’t do any of it. But indulge me right now when I’m ambitious enough to have options.

I thought about grabbing a flight to (reacted) to see (redacted) Saturday. Then maybe hitting a pop-up club at (redacted) and then flying home at the crack o’ me without missing but two hours of work on Monday.

Not budget-appropriate, by any means. But, I could do it.

I talked myself out of it because I wouldn’t take a laptop and I need to do some reading this weekend.

Also I could delay the flight till Monday night and instead go to (redacted). But I’d want to stay longer than two short nights. And the price there is higher.

And if I stay longer, I need a cat sitter. And I promised myself I wouldn’t have her back till my house was in order.

Which … yeah good luck with that.

I have other options for the weekend. I could wake up at Dawn-crack and go take my friend’s final (redacted) class before she leaves for Memphis.

That’s likely my option, but here I am whining to myself that I need to locate (redacted) in my house — one stupid item — before I go. How am I more motivated to pack a whole ass duffel and matching purse than find basically a piece of pink elastic?

Last weekend, I tooled around in Boca for two days. I loved it. Ate something good each day. Window shopped. Grabbed bougie groceries. Had my Fatbit buzz at 10k steps for the first time in months.

I remember during Mom’s last couple years, we sat on the couch, ate and watched reality TV and scrolled our phones.

She often said she wished I talked to her more. Usually I was in my phone or working on my laptop. But, too, if I said something at the wrong time, she’d be afraid of losing her place and the socials refreshing on her.

I didn’t want to remain that person. But I do feel daunted by the house projects. The only time I’m alive is when I’m planning phantom trips. Then I watch from my balcony as those same flights take off.

Not complaining. Not like I’m on a Fulbright Scholarship in another country and my funds got cut off today so I’m also unable to pay for rent or to fly home or to continue my education. Thanks fuckface tRump. Not like I’m the mother of a child receiving cancer treatments but I was dragged away in handcuffs because I never got my green card but I otherwise paid taxes for 23 years. Thanks tRump. I’m also not the president of Ukraine being told I didn’t smile or say thank you or wear an ill-fitting suit by a demented Cabbage Patch Kid who wanted to fuck the couch he sat on. Thanks tRump.

Anyway. I just wanted to process how I feel like the precious lives lost — Mom and Cocoa, but everyone who’s gone too soon — deserve so much more reverence than we can ever give them.

Also, what’s so wrong about running away. Momentum begets momentum. Hard to go from 0 (couch) to 60 when there’s no gas in the tank and nary a gas station around for five miles. How do you fuel up when you’re so down?