In which I gently remind myself that I am just another day older, although the calendar says it’s another year, yes, today we celebrate Goddess’ arrival into the mortal world.

We also celebrate the fact that her age is now a palindrome, although perhaps “celebrate” is the wrong word in this scenario. 😉

Usually I’m kind of blue on birthdays, or else I craft a to-do list for the next 40 years to help me to “catch up” to where I think I’m supposed to be. But right now, I’m just content to be where I am and to know that the universe has me standing here for a reason.

Don’t get me wrong — I have plenty of wishes for when I blow out my candles, but this year they’re simply for things I’d like instead of things I need. Or maybe I do need them but there’s the added bonus that they’re welcome whenever they arrive or decide to stay.

Besides, I always said 34 will be my year, so hey, I’m a year away from the blissful delight I’m anticipating. Of course, what’s wrong with enjoying the here and now?

And in that, there’s my birthday wish — to keep on having fun, and to continue to enjoy and even expand the circle in which I do just that.

4 Responses to 33

  1. Sabre :

    Many happy returns! 33 was an awesome year for me, and it shall be for you as well. I have decreed it to be so!

  2. Lachlan :

    WOOHOO! Happy b-day, girl. Wecome to the palindrome of the 30’s. So far, 33 isn’t half bad!

  3. Tiff :

    Hope it’s a happy one… and hope I see you soon. 🙂

  4. nic :

    Ah, see, I thought from the title that this post would be some crazy Pennsylvanian paean to Rolling Rock.

    Happy Birthday!