Blue moon

The blue moon was blue. Well, not really.

My “once in a blue moon” was that I got home before 9 p.m. on a weeknight. Of course, that’s A) because I got out to the middle of nowhere around 6 a.m. yesterday to start my 12-ish hours of joy and rapture, and B) I have to go in for a full day today.

It’s like working at Ye Olde Workplace Establishment again, but with more alligators. (Or gally-ators, as my Grampy used to call them.)

Need to have some coffee and scrub my butt so that Hour 60-ish of my captivity (and hour 10-ish of my commute) can resume.

Will also wait for the text from you-know-who that cancels plans we never had. Now THAT would be the once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence right there … if somebunny came through with a promise! I wouldn’t know what to do, honestly, if the same guy I met/adored almost a year ago was the same one who showed up/came through in my life now.

Would I say yes out of curiosity or no out of self-preservation? And will I ever get a bona fide chance to find out?

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