Cute overload
I just spent way too much money and had WAY too much fun buying birthday gifts for my nephew, who just turned 1, and my niece, who’s turning 3 next week. There went the new-dining-set fund, but seriously? SO worth it.
I look at these two and am hypnotized by The Cute:

Yeah, I know I missed the wee one’s birthday, but luckily he’s too young to know that I run on my own time zone. I like to think of it as he will have presents to open on his sister’s day. That’s always been important to me — when he was born, I made sure she had lots of cool stuff because all eyes weren’t on her anymore.
If/when/yeah right I get my slush fund re-established, I’m going to go visit them. And my friends in Seattle (you know who you are!). Maybe November/Decemberish. Yes, that is a nice goal to work toward. I’ve missed out on enough of these important people’s lives — time to rectify that. And it’ll give me another excuse to buy more presents! 😉