‘Dawn, this is your one and only life’

I’ve had the blog closed down for internal repairs. On me, not the blog.

Decided to reopen it today to write about a dream I had last night. So far I’ve written two posts and no mention of what danced through my mind at 4:03 a.m.

Now I barely remember what I wanted to take away from today!

I do know I was visiting with my old college adviser.

She always talks on FB about her favorite students. I’m never one of them.

Which, I was kind of an asshole at 19. So, no wonder.

In the dream, though, I gave her the kudos I felt she deserved. That her guidance was more valuable than any I received in 4.5 years of school. Which is 100% true.

In the dream she said you never showed me you cared what I said to you from ages 18 to 23. But if you could do me the favor now, listen up.

She showed me a pic of a male friend of mine and said he thinks and speaks so highly of you. Don’t write him off. You’ve done enough idiotic things, but this one I can stop you from doing.

I last spoke to this person about two months ago.

And somewhere between then and now, I decided not to reach back out.

Not for lack of wanting.

Like “Dawn” sings in the “Waitress” musical, “What if I give him my heart and he gives it back?”

Anyway I thought that was very interesting.

Not saying I’ll do anything about my mentor’s dreamy advice.

Just keeping an open heart and mind, now, rather than leaving that budding thought nipped.

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