Dec 5 – The Empress – Honor the Divine Mother as She Honors You

On the fifth day of December, the tarot advent calendar said to me …

What warm, generous, grateful overtures can you make today to those you love, admire and have been helped by?

The Empress is one of those cards you want to see when you’re hoping there’s a birth in your future.

Alas, I’m not looking forward to an actual pregnancy. But I would have preferred a girl if I were ever to perpetuate my DNA.

Besides, my grandmother always said “girls make you ugly.” From where I sit, she isn’t wrong. Even if one started out ugly, gestating a girl didn’t help.

In any event, the Empress is the Divine Mother. And it doesn’t have to be the querant. It can be someone who represents nurturing and love and care to you.

My mind immediately springs to someone who was let go two days before Thanksgiving.

I cannot speak to the circumstances behind this travesty because no one tells me anything anymore. But I can say that there was a little group of us who gave everything and then some. And we are tired. Like, gave till it hurts and now all these fresh faces are in the mix, making changes that often make things different instead of better.

In any event, I’ve been meaning for a few weeks now to call this motherly type.

So I’m not going to read into this card other than to pick up the damn phone and say hi to someone who was good to me for a very long time.

We used to talk tarot and she made me some beautiful crystal bracelets. There is something I can do for her now, and it’s about time I did it.

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