Emily and I got drinks at Louie Bossi on Tuesday.
Today I woke up and said I need another of those spicy margs.
Hibiscus Spiced this time.
The Spiced Passion Fruit marg was better. But maybe that’s because it was to celebrate Em’s birthday with her.
But the Cinque Terre I upgraded to was better than both combined.
I picked the last open seat at the outside bar, as the inside bar reeked too much of cleaning products.
Also it’s 80 degrees in Boca Raton. I don’t sit inside.
I sat next to a guy by himself, drinking red wine and lost in thought.
Won’t lie, I was surprised when he started talking to me.
But I was really surprised that two hours went by and we were still talking.
We’re both in finance. He’s from New York. We traded stories about clients and Laguardia.
His mom is dying. And we all know that’s a topic I know intimately. So we talked about that.
The surprise date closed with him asking for my name so he could look me up on LinkedIn. And maybe we can connect on his next trip down here.
Now, for the Goonhilda at home, yes he had a ring on. Yes, he’s happily married. No, she’s not a disaster of a human being. She sounds quite amazing and he’s quite enamored.
We were just two random strangers who had a handshake and a heart-to-heart.
Why are all my best conversations with people I will probably never see again?