‘Everyone around me thinks that I’m going crazy’
Church was interesting today, but I’m still digesting it. I took a lot of notes, though, in hopes of assembling a coherent blog post about following one’s destiny … and finding it first, of course.
Anyway, I just downloaded “Bleeding Love,” the new Leona Lewis single. I am very much digging it and looking forward to hearing more from her. She’s like the second coming of Lara Fabian with heart-wrenching (yet catchy) pop.
I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the video on VH1 — I think I was dancing around to it in a dream or something. (Click here to view it — embedding has been disabled by the person who posted the video. Meh.)
In any event, speaking of going crazy, I am wondering whether to renew my gym membership or the dating site membership — I can budget for one. But which will get me “some” faster? The only screwin’ I get lately is a dry hump from looming deadlines, not to mention that the learning curve? Has burrs.
Gah — maybe the deadlines can use some flavored lube for a change for a lil saucy surprise?
February 18th, 2008 at 3:49 AM
Go for the personals … and for a sexy story, go here:
I enjoy the blog. Would love to know what you think of my writing.
February 18th, 2008 at 1:33 PM
Depends babe, which one will you use the most? I’ve got a gym membership I never use, and a match.com membership that I’ve used what, once? I doubt I’ll ever renew it, even if things don’t work out with Mr. Gemini. I’d be more likely to renew the gym membership. But that’s on account of me being cynical I think.