Full circle. Or, more like oblong. Kind of like me.
I started an entry a week ago and my laptop crashed as I hit the publish button and lost it all. And I’ve not been the slightest bit motivated to rebuild that marvelous piece of prose. Mostly because I believe things happen for a reason and I think the universe didn’t want me to put those words “out there.”
Things are OK right now. I continue to wonder when the proverbial next shoe will come flying at my head. I realize all the things that bug me about work are fixable. Problem is, I can’t fix them. Same goes with home. The problems are beyond fixing but I’m never going to move forward till I do.
The chronic Catch-22 is a killer. So I’m in m shiny happy place in my head. Everything is FIIIINE. LA LA LA if our country and our markets can pretend our problems away, why can’t I?
I got to thinking about one of my boys today. I never recorded it here but I met one of them while I was on contract status at my employer. A big part of me saying yes to the job was the little voice in my head that said, “He’s going to be very important in your life” the moment that we met.
I’m not saying I didn’t have other reasons to take the job. But the idea of getting to know that cute boy sure wasn’t at the bottom of that list!
He’s gone from there now. Five of my friends resigned in the last two weeks. Six if you count the one who went on contractor status. I feel like I’ll be the last one standing, although I’m sure it’ll be more like “curled in a ball in a fetal position under my desk” rather than standing.
Again, my problems are all fixable. I just wish we could hop to it so I could get to the business of fixing my other problems. Maybe they could help matters and hire a hot guy to distract me from everything that’s making me nuts in the meantime? That would bring it all full circle.