Guinness cupcakes. So very full of win


Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

There’s actually so much going on right now that I don’t have anything to say because I don’t know where to start.

So, I shall talk about lollipops. Cupcake Couture in Delray Beach just opened. Which was the highlight of my day. Other than buying three necklaces that I really didn’t need but were too cute to leave behind.

I meant to take photos of the Delray Affair for a friend’s Web site. But the weather was overcast in Delray today and I didn’t see anything interesting to shoot. (With a camera, anyway. Infer the rest of that thought if you dare!)

There was some guy creating fireballs or some shit like that at Atlantic at First. I was rooting for him to either light himself on fire or, preferably, to burn down the block. No such luck on either account. (Damn!)

OK, so if you ever do wander up/down to this area of the world, whether or not the Affair is in full swing, screw the entertainment and go to Cupcake Couture and order the Guinness cupcakes. As many of them as your belleh can hold. And then get a box to go. Because they put the rest of the supposed cupcake gods to absolute shame.

These lollipops caught my eye as being the only thing photo-worthy from my day. (Too busy snarfing in cupcakes to photograph them. I got two mini Guinness cupcakes and a mini Christian Louboutin-illa, which featured chocolate icing on white cake. Nom.)

The lollipops come in a million flavors, ranging from marshmallow to who the hell knows what.

Forgive me — I’m talking about nothing to keep me from talking about everything. All I can say right now is that perhaps I might end up being the girl who leaves her fiance at the altar because I’m in love with someone else. Or maybe I’ll figure out a way to have my (Guinness cup)cake and eat it, too.

I am not even going to say that life’s about to get interesting. It already is. And becoming even more so, with each passing day. …

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