Hour 12.5 of my captivity
Worked from home today. Still working, actually. I’m never ever going to be caught up and I don’t know why I even try.
And offsite meeting tomorrow. I think, anyway. I’d say yay but the mechanic was being a dick and said he had to order a part for my car. The car I dropped off at 9 a.m. Where the fuck does he have to order it from … 2004?
Everyone in the company gets to work from home. (I don’t think that’s true for me — this was my first.) I loved it. Stressed mom out with all the drama and decisions and multi-tasking and stuff that interrupted the interruptions I was working on.
Like, I mean, she started taking dizzy spells right in front of me.
Was it me? Was it the stress I brought into the house? Or is this what happens when I’m not watching? Methinks it’s all of the above. She told me my stress is killing us all.
I don’t know how to get the car tomorrow when the mechanic claims it will be done. Everyone was already on edge that I didn’t have the means to drive out to West Egypt. I’m pretty glad I didn’t have to go out there, since I got a call from the top of the food chain about a conversation that I wish I hadn’t repeated. Fuck me for ever being honest and trying to show a little loyalty. Seriously. As my friend Kristin used to joke, “Shut yer goddamn trap!” Oh, sweetie. So. True.
So, I guess I have to thank the gods that I could stay home today. But … if the car isn’t done till tomorrow … how the fuck am I going to get there before 5 to pick it up? Seriously? A good friend is in the country from Asia and said he’d be glad to chauffeur me around tomorrow. But how do I pick up/pay for the car when I’m back in captivity?
Oh well. Enough blogging. Can’t enjoy my day TOO much (enjoy? huh?) because I won’t be able to get through the rest of the days that all run together because they’re all exactly the same.