‘I say Merry Christmas’

I don’t normally talk about good deeds since I don’t do any. But I have a cute story.

Girl in front of me at WMT had a little boy in a cart, maybe 3 years old. Couldn’t be more than 4.

Lady in front of her accidentally rung up an item. Girl joked, “You trying to buy my stuff?”

Lady said, “I wish!” They laughed and marveled about people who pay for others’ orders. They’ve never seen it happen.

The lady left. The girl rang up her stuff.

I whispered to the little boy that I’ll buy your stuff. The girl paused and said, “You’d do that?” I said yes, I got this. Go!

She said thank you and “What do you say?” to the little boy.

He said, “I say Merry Christmas!”

It was only 20 bucks. They were so nice, I wish it were more.

Honestly, that little boy made MY day. I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I want to remember his smile forever.

It took me hours to finally look at the receipt. Two ramen noodle packs. Fruit snacks. Mini juice boxes. Some other child-sized food. A dollar turtle toy.

I hope so many good … big … things happen for them. And that this tiny gesture is long forgotten because it’s been built upon by so much more.

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