In my own little corner

So, I got invited to sit at the big-kids’ table today. The view isn’t bad. Not bad at all. …

I have a funny story from it, though, because it’s not like anything ever goes that smoothly for me. I was joking with Important Person that I was trying to buy him a new domain name but couldn’t find one I wanted, so I decided on “WeHeart(his name)FanClub.” He looked at me strangely and said, “Uh, I hope not,” and walked away.

It occurred to me five minutes later that he might have thought I’d said “WeHATE(name)FanClub.” Whoops!

I swear to god, that’s why I need to just hide in my little corner. My verbal ability at the crack o’moi is clearly overestimated ’round these parts! 🙂

One Lonely Response to In my own little corner

  1. swirlspice :


    Mocha Momma is conducting interviews in anticipation of next weekend’s BlogHer conference. When did you start blogging and why? I started blogging in September ’02. I quit my job in Minneapolis earlier that year and spent a few months road……