Let’s fast-forward to 300 takeout coffees later

Last night was my third in a hotel with Bella, normally my happy travel kitty, spending the entire night singing the song of her people.

So with no sleep and also knowing I am working today (which, believe me, happy to have this job — I am not suited for anything else!), I asked the universe to remind me to be grateful.

I ran to Foxtail for breakfast. Which, the coffee was good but my sandwich was as frozen as it was bland. And I got a free drink coupon for my trouble.

As I gnawed on my heated-again-this-time-to-an-infernal-temperature bagel, I saw a woman eyeing the trash can in front of me.

She had a full shopping cart of, well, things she’s clearly picked up.

I was going to throw away the half of the bagel I didn’t feel like busting my teeth on. But I decided to take it to the car so she wouldn’t think it was something good.

Anyway I was not gone six seconds. But the woman somehow conjured up a half-full cup that clearly looked like an iced coffee.

I ran over to her and I said they gave me a coupon for a free drink next door. Go get yourself a fresh cup. I said it’s good for any drink — get the best one!

Man, she lit up the biggest smile under the sun. And I noticed she had perfectly applied bright red-orange lipstick. Like, she might be in dire straits but she was not going to sacrifice her beauty ritual.

Anyway, it wasn’t much and I wouldn’t even have thought twice about it after I left. And in a normal world, I would have NEVER written about it. Too many others do that and I find it tacky AF.

But I had told the universe to remind me to be grateful. And I got almost an instant reply.

I hope she used the card. I would have used it but I was happy to have turned what would have been a useless visit into something good.

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