Liars, philanderers and thieves, oh my!

Name that price!

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

I thought this photo from the local Shell station (although all of them have this same strategy) was appropriate for today. What does gas cost right now? Pull up and get your surprise!

OPEC isn’t increasing reserves, but the U.S. isn’t increasing jobs, either. Whatever will the price be? If we don’t tell you what the cash price is, you can’t bitch when you’re charged more for using your debit card!

Anyway, speaking of scary surprises and drained debit cards, I am having SEVERE trust issues right now. I have been fighting to get paid at several places. My reserves are gone. I was already taking a pay cut everywhere, but I never agreed to ZERO.

And that’s not even the worst of it. If you can believe that.

I am at a point now where I am honestly expecting someone to be telling me something horrible, and the person about whom the tirade was launched would probably be on mute on another line. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

I ain’t saying shit. I learned my lesson about being plaintive and truthful and sincere. No fucking way am I ever going to do THAT again. Why, to have my ass handed to me once more? No thanks — it’s gotten too big over the past six months to lift with two hands.

I keep putting my “Law of Attraction”-type skills to shame by worrying and wondering. Want begets want. Poverty begets poverty. I was better off when I had some savings and an even bigger mental bank account full of hope.

It will all turn out OK. It has to. There are simply no two ways about it. There are far too many great things in the works. I just cannot help wondering “what if” time (read: rent money) runs out before things start to go my way again?

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