Mandatory fun

I am not speaking of jury duty.

While we do get a lot of breaks, most of them are actually whilst sitting in the courtroom. With white noise blasting over the speakers so the million microphones don’t pick up what the judge and lawyers are whispering about.

I am proud of me for controlling my facial expressions for a whole three days.

Tomorrow is the final day of testimony. Then deliberations begin. They expect we’ll be done late Friday.

I’ve had performance reviews hanging over my head since before my vacation. That was a crazy week, with writing extra stuff and my bestie not fucking comprehending simple goddamned information about what I was trying to do. Not that any of it was their business.

Then I was off. Then the catch-up week was hell.

Then I had a normal week. Yes I should have done reviews but I feel A Certain Way about those in general.

Now Jury Duty week. Which I did not expect but honestly I’m appreciative of the new experience.

I know this isn’t supposed to be emotional. But sitting expressionless for three days — observing what I am observing — is freaking emotional.

I just ask Momma (who I swear is sitting behind me at the trial — she LOVED watching trials on TV and always told me she was “going to court” on those days) to help me be fair and just when the time comes.

Imma have to ask her to keep me off the court docket, though, because I was told today there’s a MANDATORY FUN event coming up next year at la oficina, planned by my bestie.

So, planned by a hired group that I happen to love. But still. Lucy Van Pelt the Christmas Queen and all. Clap for T-Shirts.

Anyway, here’s hoping that I can remember how to remain expressionless during the day.

Which, I am sure has been aided by the fact that I scream in my car before and afterward.

I just have to remember to keep the windows up next time.

Maybe I better schedule myself on that court docket while I’m in the building after all. I hope defendants get free parking.

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