New music Tuesday

I miss the recently departed “angsty Goddess” because the blog entries when I’m in a dither tend to be a little more substantial. At least I squoze a few half-decent tirades out of my last cycle, though. 😉

Anyway, loving “Lost Highway” already and I’ve only listened to four songs. So far my favorite is “Whole Lot of Leavin.'”

The band showed up on the “Today Show” this morning. I was busy throwing my underwear at the TV, although I think I’m going to need a new screen because I happened to be in them at the time.

Bon Jovi’s starting its world tour in January. I’m thinking that I should use the vacation hours I’m losing to go travel to see one of the “local” shows they’re holding (local to themselves, that is), although A) they’re in Newark and B) they’re in October. Rats.

I just saw a note from Pratt that at least the band will be on “Unplugged” Friday. *squee!* I may have to turn down a date to spend the evening with my favorite shaggy-haired rocker, but I think the sacrifice will end up being worth it. 😉

Now back to my regularly scheduled navel-gazing. ….

2 Responses to New music Tuesday

  1. Sabre :

    I was busy throwing my underwear at the TV, although I think I’m going to need a new screen because I happened to be in them at the time.

    That made me giggle, HARD. I needed the laugh 🙂

  2. chris :

    Hey, is that the unplugged that Richie was so messsed up at that he was sent to rehab immediately afterward? Was just reading an article on that.