Rain, rain go the FUCK away
I had plans on escaping to a local beach this weekend to do some writing and people-watching. It was a beautiful, temperate and sunny week, so GOD FORBID that kind of weather should carry over into the weekend. It’s pouring. Scattered T-storms on the horizon today and tomorrow. Whee.
Seems sort of pointless to travel in these conditions, especially because I am in high need of relaxation and things of beauty surrounding me — not amped-up Virginia drivers and mini panic attacks and CERTAINLY not more drab walls closing in on me.
Suggestions for overcoming burnout otherwise? If I don’t experience some measure of inspiration and freedom and color and escape and time outdoors SOON, my head is going to explode. Or maybe it already has exploded and I’m just trying to fix what’s broken before it outright dies inside me.
On iTunes: Emiliana Torrini, “Dead Things”