Repeat after me
Bad hires at a lower salary cost more than great hires at a higher salary.
Trust me, I have the battle scars to prove it.
We are talking about hiring again. And there’s a likely path we’re going down that I want nothing to do with. Everyone’s being supportive and nice about the idea to the one who broached it, but we’re all IMing each other with, “Oh Christ.”
Good luck telling that person they need to stay till 7 p.m. (with the rest of us). Good luck getting the results you want on the first try. And good luck keeping this person busy when four of us are cross-trained in their domain.
Don’t get me wrong. Nice person. And does good work and actually has a good brain in there. And can do the work more-artfully than the four of us combined.
But as I was told a long time ago, we aren’t after perfection. We want it done right AND we want it done Wednesday but we’d really love it by Tuesday COB if you can stay late that’d be greaaatttt ….
Not a fit. Just not a fit.
Meanwhile there are needs we have that the rest of us can’t cover/fake/learn in a big fat hurry.
Here’s to hoping the one who can execute the solution, sees the problem with this so-called “solution.” Because it’s a lot harder to get rid of bad fits than it is to find the right ones. And the latter is downright fucking impossible lately.