‘She had the envelope, where do you think she got it from’

Between Ye making the world less safe for Jewish people and Yael Braun being another wife who believes her contribution to society is to shitpost about Taylor Swift, I know to avoid people whose name starts with “Y.” Except my friend Yvonne. She’s awesome.

In any event, what really got my taco in a twist was that Taylor always writes at least one hauntingly personal track. I’m not talking about the ones about Scooter Braun. (Another name to avoid, Scooter.) Although “My Tears Ricochet” and “High Infidelity” and “Vigilante Shit” are worth many listens.

It’s more that Yael et al sit around and listen to deeply moving lyrics like those in “Bigger Than the Whole Sky” and they STILL choose to make a nuisance of themselves. When Taylor is clearly giving us the gift of going through Some Things and a lifeline because we’ve gone through, or will go through, them too.

I get it. Taylor uses her voice and people react just as publicly. I too have tried to just live my life and tell stories and entertain or at least just PROCESS in the only way I know how. And I too know what it’s like to have those who want to be heard feel compelled to weigh in. Hell, I stay quiet and they still complain.

Anyway, I give Taylor credit for still writing and singing and producing songs. I would understand if she decided not to, so as not to give that hausfrau more reason to @ her. And I love her for what she’s probably doing, dressing for — and getting — her revenge.

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