The unlivable life

My day started with me offering an olive branch to someone I should have just beaten with it.

My day ended with me trying to figure out the easiest way to fill out paperwork that’s 14 days overdue.

I had plenty of time today to figure out how I could use smaller words for the first one.

And to figure out how to make the second one useful if it can’t be spiritually fulfilling.

I admit it — I chose not to.

And I continue to sit immobilized by it.

What was I saying yesterday, that I don’t want to have an unlived life?

I know you gotta do shit you don’t want to do.

But, putting it off yet another day is more satisfying than it should be.

It’s not that it’s an unlivable life. Not always. But the days between trips and treats could be just a little bit more exciting.

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