This is me ‘rising above’
“If I died and went to hell, it would take me a week to realize I wasn’t at work anymore.”
You wouldn’t know it from this post, but I like my new job. It’s going to be the death of me at this point, but I am almost willing to die trying. That’s how committed I am to making this work.
The only thing that really bothers me, and that’s probably a funny way of putting it but bear with me here, is that the devil is in disguise and that devil likes to be my friend but man that devil sure likes to judge me in the court of public opinion.
All I have to say is this: My beloveds send me heaps of praise. Heaps. And even gifts!
No one received more alcohol for the holidays, I assure you. And I got jewelry (nice jewelry!) on top of it. Don’t ever underestimate my power of goddess-ness, is what I’m saying. If people I just try to do my best for, see fit to praise and reward me so wonderfully, I must not suck as a human being. Right?
You might not like me. And that’s too bad. I believed in you. I still do. But that’s the difference between us. I don’t have to convince you at every available opportunity that I’m your friend. I just am. That you feel the need to reassure me that you are true, well, I should have seen it coming that you’re about as true to me as a Republican telling me he cares about my personal reproductive choices.
So for anyone who sees fit to spread poison about me, well, my track record should tell everyone otherwise. When’s the last time anyone sent you a gift for being an awesome person? Or sent e-mails to the top of the organization to protest my removal from their projects because my workload is too great?
Exactly. Now go find something to be joyful about.
I’ll forgive you because that’s the kind of person I am. Just remember this: It’s not your judgment that I spend a moment of my life worried about. I will rise, and you will remain, unless YOU take different steps than the ones you’re taking now.
Choose wisely.
Kisses, hugs and a swift kick,