‘We were something, don’t you think so?’

For saying my storied career at the Veggie Patch ended so poorly, I became and stayed social media friends (and, in two cases, actual friends) with people from the Club Medicated playset.

I learned through the socials that Frosty died of breast cancer not too long ago.

The friend I learned that through, had two strokes this week. Which I learned from her daughter.

I didn’t think 50 was the age you started to hear about all the big health crises. But it’s clear the Boomers are bowing out younger and younger.

The one who had the strokes will be OK, at least per the post. I know from my own Gram having a stroke that there was no recovering.

Of course, her medics LEFT THE SCENE after examining her. And different ones came back.

Which was how we met Jimmy.

We had such lawsuits on our hands with every death. I could be rich right now instead of fielding one person’s remarks about the “new life” I have in front of me now and what I am going to do with it.

New life, huh. Sounds sexier than “Going to NYC or otherwise crying on the couch.”

Actually I’ve been doing good I’m on some new shit. Been saying yes instead of no. Thought I saw you at The Bus Stop but didn’t though.

It would’ve been fun
If you would’ve been The 1.

My original Veggie Patch friend was equally squicked out by “your new life.” She said ain’t nobody who has the power to derail that life needs to know about it.

I think there is an intent to help me get to it … if I’m ready or worthy. But she’s right. What if me saying what I really want to do with my life is just inviting more delays to it?

I mean, I think of Sia and me planning to go to Paris and I got fired that Christmas. Dare I put Paris back on my wishlist, only for it to be yanked away again 15 years later?

Not that the dream is dead; I’ve just been too afraid to dream it again.

So if I put something else on my list instead, maybe that’s something else to lose out on. Why have the same heartbreak twice.

Plus, maybe I’ll care a lot less if that also ends up on the pile of dreams half-dreamt.

New life, maybe. New things keeping me from believing in it, definitely.

Now, if I were to pull up my big Goddess panties, I would say with utmost confidence that those old things and people need to fight to stay in my new life.

Because there may be something better I was too afraid to go for in The Life Before.

Looking at Mom, Frosty, Jacky, Sia and so many others, it’s clear “the greatest loves of all time are over now.”

And I don’t want to waste what’s left of MY time NOT looking for “the 1” … whatever that will be.

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