Weather’s here; wish you were beautiful

Tropical and Awesome

Originally uploaded by dcwriterdawn

The weather is Tropical and the surf conditions are Awesome. Truth in advertising, for once!

Next week is going to become stupid-busy for me, so I’m enjoying these final few hours of quietude. I got a check I’ve been expecting for a while (woo hoo!) and an unexpected bonus from somewhere else. (WOO HOO!)

Momma needs a laptop, and all the new sexy MacBooks have just come out. But Momma’s Momma needs a whole lot more, and I need to take care of her first.

Oh, if only I could sustain this revenue stream instead of hyperventilating every month around this time. I can afford the new ‘puter, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be skipping happily to the bank at this time next month.

In any event, I need to say what I want so I can get it. I’ve found myself both returning to the same old work I did years ago, and returning to the same shitty eating habits (and lack of exercise) as well. So I’m basically back in the same place as I was in 2008. Grrr.

No more of that crap. I am declaring my intentions. I want a house in the Keys. I want a six-figure salary. I want Mom to be happy and healthy and ON HER OWN. I want a car that doesn’t answer to the name “Rattling Deathtrap.” I want a good-looking, ambitious and financially secure man.

I’d also like a cosmic tour bus to run over Allen West. And for a space shuttle to fly up Rick Perry’s butt. And for Michele Bachmann’s husband to find a more-appropriate spouse (like the Nyan Cat).

Really, is it so much to ask?

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