Weather’s here; wish you were beautiful
The weather is Tropical and the surf conditions are Awesome. Truth in advertising, for once!
Next week is going to become stupid-busy for me, so I’m enjoying these final few hours of quietude. I got a check I’ve been expecting for a while (woo hoo!) and an unexpected bonus from somewhere else. (WOO HOO!)
Momma needs a laptop, and all the new sexy MacBooks have just come out. But Momma’s Momma needs a whole lot more, and I need to take care of her first.
Oh, if only I could sustain this revenue stream instead of hyperventilating every month around this time. I can afford the new ‘puter, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll be skipping happily to the bank at this time next month.
In any event, I need to say what I want so I can get it. I’ve found myself both returning to the same old work I did years ago, and returning to the same shitty eating habits (and lack of exercise) as well. So I’m basically back in the same place as I was in 2008. Grrr.
No more of that crap. I am declaring my intentions. I want a house in the Keys. I want a six-figure salary. I want Mom to be happy and healthy and ON HER OWN. I want a car that doesn’t answer to the name “Rattling Deathtrap.” I want a good-looking, ambitious and financially secure man.
I’d also like a cosmic tour bus to run over Allen West. And for a space shuttle to fly up Rick Perry’s butt. And for Michele Bachmann’s husband to find a more-appropriate spouse (like the Nyan Cat).
Really, is it so much to ask?