
Yesterday: A date with my secret not-boyfriend. (Because, you gotta protect your alliances in this town.) And texting another of my boys most of the time. (Bad girl.)

Also yesterday: A small (very small) spark of hope on the “50 First Dates” front. I almost feel ready to make a plane reservation to get out of this town for two whole days … in two whole months. I don’t mind running the show from afar but I have issues with doing it the WHOLE TIME I’m gone.

And still also yesterday: I saw a live band and gave them a Facebook “like” during the set. Facebook showed me one other friend who likes them. I hadn’t thought of her in a while and made a mental note to give her a shout. Not two minutes later, I heard someone calling my name … and it was her! We had such a good time catching up.

I have to work this weekend because that was the only way to get out of the office at a reasonable hour. But it was worth it. So very worth it.

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