Welcome to the Patch, redux

December 11th, 2003, 12:48 PM by Goddess

We have yet another character to add to the official Veggie Patch Playset: Fudge.

After talking about bathroom funk, Shan and I wondered how we could POSSIBLY forget the gal who takes a dump every day at noon (who isn’t so good about flushing or wiping properly — sometimes she wipes her ass on the seat) and who NEVER washes her hands. Yes, everyone extend a warm welcome (but certainly not your hand!) to the newest Playset member! 🙂

Unrelated …

Jane asked if it’s OK to say “fuck” around here. Hell fuckin’ yeah!!! 😉 We need to swear some more around here. Come on, kids, tell me what’s pissing you off today. … 😉

Now I’ve heard everything

December 11th, 2003, 11:12 AM by Goddess

Rejected title: The Wizard of Awes

Okay, so I volunteered to assist at the opening party of my organization’s annual conference. I did this not knowing what the theme would be.

The theme, you ask? “The Wizard of Oz.” Hand-picked by Pride Fag, our fearless leader.


He’ll probably dress as Dorothy.

Someone in the room asked, “Can I bring my dog to play Toto?” I stifled the urge to say, “No, that’ll be Pride Fag’s boyfriend.” *snerk*

This was announced in a meeting today. I almost fell out of my chair laughing. I don’t know if anybody else in the room had a concept of what a big gay icon it is (the movie, not our leader). I suggest we just make the ballroom a big gay disco and sell drugs instead of drinks.